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  • Writer's pictureNat Fox

"You want to do what for a living??!!"

Updated: Oct 13, 2019

So, 2 years ago I hung up my Kurt Geiger’s and replaced them with some funky wellie boots. My suits and fitted dresses were exchanged for old trackie bottoms and hours spent in front of the mirror reduced to minutes, scrapping back my shorter locks into a tiny ponytail on top of my head rather than scorching my long blonde split ends to their frazzled death every day with hair straighteners to look the presentable part for my job role "Patient Advisor".

I left my cooperate role within a large cosmetic surgery company to pursue my own career, set up my own business and make a living doing something I was really passionate about.

Being a sufferer of stress, anxiety and depression I could no longer cope with the pressures of targets and increasing work loads. Dont get me wrong, the role I had was great and we had an awesome little team, but it was the powers that be that I just could not cope with on a daily basis. I had finally had enough!!! I wont go into the details I will save that for another time ( i.e the book that I am trying to write !)

I took some time off just to de stress and work out what I wanted to do . I knew I wanted to have my own business and work for myself but I had no clue as to what it could possibly be?

I thought about starting my own online clothing shop, selling unique niche clothes from asia, but the market was saturated with websites upon websites with the same idea.

What was my passion? What could I not stop talking about , what was my obbession...... "dogs .... dogs... and dogs!!!!"

OK, so I have found my passion , and according to Irena Cara (What a Feeling) I just have to "Make it happen!" #flashdance

I am a believer in fate and the law of Attraction (#thesecret) "What you believe you will receive", "Act like you have it already and it will become yours!"

I put this into practice. Before I had even looked into what I was going to charge or what areas I was going to cover I just made a page on Facebook advertising myself as a "Dog Walker/ Sitter!" I was signed off work for 4 weeks so used this time to my advantage. Within a day someone had contacted me asking if I would be able to have their dog for 1 day a week, this just happened to be my official day off. So obviously I said "YES!".......... i I had my very first client who I still have to this day!

"YAWN!" How many times do we have to do this before we get a treat!

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